Is this for real?
(too old to reply)
2003-10-03 16:34:04 UTC
Hello, I am seeking anyone who has information on a company called Higher
Balance that offers a program called Foundation. My brother is either
pulling my leg or is out of his mind. This company makes claims to teach a
form of meditation that awakens areas of the brain that contribute to
paranormal abilities such as the "Sixth Sense" they suggest that this is
some kind of missing link in mans evolutionary history etc, sounds logical
but lets not buy the farm yet. Although it seems my brother already has. He
claims that he is experiencing some intense things such as lights flashing
from no where in his room, humming or vibrations moving through his body
with no reasonable location of a source and that he can now feel people
moving around through the walls! The icing on the cake is the recent claim
that he has traveled outside of his body. My brother is known for down to
earth serious personality which I suppose is irritating me the most. I am
concerned that this is some kind of brainwashing or something beyond my
understanding. If anyone here can help or advise me it would be much
appreciated. I guess my questions are is this for real, is it safe and is it
there away I can check these people out? If it is of any help I heard that
they have some kind of secret site on there web site that offers members a
variety of paranormal how to information and it may be even more intense my
brother has asked about it but did not get a reply back yet. Can someone
confirm this? Thank you.
2003-10-04 03:12:24 UTC
Post by Auxien
Hello, I am seeking anyone who has information on a company called
Post by Auxien
that offers a program called Foundation. My brother is either
pulling my leg or is out of his mind. This company makes claims to teach a
form of meditation that awakens areas of the brain that contribute to
paranormal abilities such as the "Sixth Sense"
Typical sorts of paranormal stuff advertised there. I'm inclined to
think this is a variation on the "Come look at my SPAM."

Their instructions on "How to see an aura in 5 minutes" are direct
from the pseudo- Egyptian stuff I read 40 years ago. Probably pretty
much harmless unless they've got an org like TM or something behind
them sucking the naive into their orbit and their service.

rbc:vixen,Minnow Goddess,Willow Watcher,and all that sort of thing.
Often taunted by trout.
Only a fool would refuse to believe in luck. Only a damn fool would rely on it.

2003-10-04 22:12:02 UTC
Hiya I dont know to be completely honest but you could try posting at:

Come and visit, and if you like what you see join. We have lots of kind and
caring members who are from a range of lifestyles from different locations
in the world who either practice magick or are intrested in it. - They are
all great, I love em all! Out of over 90 members, I'm sure one will know!

In love and light,

Antony. xx
Group Owner
Post by Auxien
Hello, I am seeking anyone who has information on a company called Higher
Balance that offers a program called Foundation. My brother is either
pulling my leg or is out of his mind. This company makes claims to teach a
form of meditation that awakens areas of the brain that contribute to
paranormal abilities such as the "Sixth Sense" they suggest that this is
some kind of missing link in mans evolutionary history etc, sounds logical
but lets not buy the farm yet. Although it seems my brother already has. He
claims that he is experiencing some intense things such as lights flashing
from no where in his room, humming or vibrations moving through his body
with no reasonable location of a source and that he can now feel people
moving around through the walls! The icing on the cake is the recent claim
that he has traveled outside of his body. My brother is known for down to
earth serious personality which I suppose is irritating me the most. I am
concerned that this is some kind of brainwashing or something beyond my
understanding. If anyone here can help or advise me it would be much
appreciated. I guess my questions are is this for real, is it safe and is it
there away I can check these people out? If it is of any help I heard that
they have some kind of secret site on there web site that offers members a
variety of paranormal how to information and it may be even more intense my
brother has asked about it but did not get a reply back yet. Can someone
confirm this? Thank you.
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Jesse R.
2003-10-11 03:40:16 UTC
Flashing lights and supernatural experiences sounds interesting eh?

try google.com and just type in what your looking for you should get
back oh about 50.000 pages LOL

"When the Moon rides at her peak, then your heart's desire seek."


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