Evil Eye
(too old to reply)
2004-10-26 05:20:24 UTC
I seriously doubt that you're a young child so I wouldn't sweat it. The
evil eye applies to people/persons admiring young children, not adults.

BUT, if you're really concerned about this woman having a negative influence
on you or your family then purchase some kosher salt and pour it in a circle
around the perimeter of your home, and add some extra along your window
sills. You may need to do it twice - two separate occasions.
Once you've done that I strongly suggest that you read some credible
information on the evil eye (history of world religions, history of the
occult) to alleviate your fears through knowledge.

Hope it all works out for ya, but remember sometimes stuff happens. Without
the bad how would you recognize the good?
I never thought I would say that, but I think I have a case of the
evil eye. There is this woman, who came to my house 2 years ago. We
had a beautiful flower blooming in the house then. She couldn't stop
saying how beautiful the plant was. Two days after that, the plant was
I didn't see her for 2 years. I saw her 3 days ago, and she kept
telling me how beautiful I was and how my career was flowerishing.
Since then I've been having the most horrible stretch of luck,
including a car accident and problems with an air flight.
Please don't make fun of me--I feel I am going crazy here. Does anyone
know how I can counteract such an evil eye??
2009-05-16 15:27:34 UTC
Post by kromedge
I seriously doubt that you're a young child so I wouldn't sweat it. The
evil eye applies to people/persons admiring young children, not adults.
While young children are often victims in evil eye myths, they're not
the only ones. Houses, livestock, food, farmland, and even husbands are
believed to be affected. In some areas it was thought that the evil eye
could "infect" children, causing them to be sources of bad luck. Others
thought that the evil eye stemmed from another's jealousy, (and you're
right, usually over kids, but not always)
