Nation sack ingrediaents Att: Cat or whomever....
(too old to reply)
2005-11-09 19:03:41 UTC
Is trilliun (whole beth root) a suitable substitute for Queen Elizabeth
root? Trilliun root is supposed to be useful with lower chakra work and
there is at least one folk magick application that states wearing it
next to your body makes you irresistable to a specific target.
2005-11-12 05:50:54 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Is trilliun (whole beth root) a suitable substitute for Queen Elizabeth
root? Trilliun root is supposed to be useful with lower chakra work and
there is at least one folk magick application that states wearing it
next to your body makes you irresistable to a specific target.
Queen Elizabeth Root/Orris Root is not rare so should be able to find a
source, even if it is only chopped root vs. whole.

2005-11-12 20:52:00 UTC
I realise that it could be obtained by mail order in a number of a few
days in the worst case scenario. However, that still did not address
the question at hand.

FYI : Most of the work I'm engaged to do incorporates
certain planetary aspects. Depending on what they are, I may have a
window of opportunity that only consists of a few hours on a specific
day during each lunar cycle. So it depends on how proactive the
petitioner is really.

Thanks again
2005-11-14 19:51:17 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I realise that it could be obtained by mail order in a number of a few
days in the worst case scenario. However, that still did not address
the question at hand.
Well, if you want me to be extremely specific, then the answer would
have to be "no". It would not make a good substitute.
Post by m***@gmail.com
FYI : Most of the work I'm engaged to do incorporates
certain planetary aspects. Depending on what they are, I may have a
window of opportunity that only consists of a few hours on a specific
day during each lunar cycle. So it depends on how proactive the
petitioner is really.
Thanks again
I for one don't buy into the "planetary aspects" of herbs, as that is
really a new-age or Wiccan type of concept. Perhaps you might repost
your question with a title that would be more appealing to others who
practice similar types of magic as yourself, especialy noting your need
for a "planetary-type" substitution.

catherine yronwode
2005-11-17 03:27:42 UTC
Post by Lucky
Post by m***@gmail.com
Most of the work I'm engaged to do incorporates
certain planetary aspects.
I for one don't buy into the "planetary aspects" of herbs, as that
is really a new-age or Wiccan type of concept.
Actually the symbolism of assigning "planetary aspects" to herbs is
far older and more classical a concept than the New Age movement or
Wicca religion; it became very popular during the Renaissance.


cat yronwode

Hoodoo in Theory and Practice
2005-11-17 21:39:51 UTC
I knew planetary aspects" of plant forms predated the Victorian era,
but I was uncertain of the exact era. I was, however, primarily
referring to planetary aspects and lunar cycles with respect to the
work itself.
Miko Roktska (Mike Rock)
2005-11-18 11:22:59 UTC
Actually it goes back farther than the renaissance, but yeah it is
definitely not "newage". Not just herbs but everything in the sublunar
realm [ie where we are] has rulership under the 7 classical planets.
Applying these rulerships can add a boost to one's work.

2005-11-19 17:52:58 UTC
wow- now I'm quite curious about the planetary aspects of the herbs I
use. Cat- any idea with regard to data or accessable resources?

2005-11-20 00:32:02 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
wow- now I'm quite curious about the planetary aspects of the herbs I
use. Cat- any idea with regard to data or accessable resources?
Almost all the ancients used planetary stuff in re herbs, starting
with some of the first writings from the Greeks or earlier.

Try: http://www.bibliomania.com/2/1/66/113/frameset.html
to see the Culpepper stuff. He was medical, but it all ran together
for them.

r.bc: vixen. Minnow goddess. Speaker to squirrels.
Often taunted by trout. Almost entirely harmless.

email: ***@gmail.com.invalid (strip the .invalid to email)
2005-11-20 02:17:47 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
wow- now I'm quite curious about the planetary aspects of the herbs I
use. Cat- any idea with regard to data or accessable resources?
Any book on Kabbalah will help, some of the older Culpeper's also have this
info as I recall...

2005-11-20 03:52:20 UTC
Actually I had already read Cupeper's text on the bibliomania site but
found his list of herbs to be a bit short, in any context, beit for
occult or medical applications. Definately an interesting read though,
well worth the time spent.

2005-11-21 05:52:25 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
wow- now I'm quite curious about the planetary aspects of the herbs I
use. Cat- any idea with regard to data or accessable resources?
Now you are getting a lot closer to my original meaning. Most of the
material out there, unless you go directly to very old sources, deals
with New-Age interpretations of "planetary aspects" of herbs, and often
without any documentation or basis other than the individual author's
personal beliefs. This is why I left this type of magical application
behind years ago. Now I just focus on traditional reputations of the
roots and herbs themselves.

2005-11-21 05:59:20 UTC
Post by catherine yronwode
Actually the symbolism of assigning "planetary aspects" to herbs is
far older and more classical a concept than the New Age movement or
Wicca religion; it became very popular during the Renaissance.
cat yronwode
Yes, Cat I am aware of that. I should have emphasized that there is a
huge difference between what older sources and modern "new-age" ones.
Most of the books on the market concerning said topic, or which mention
the planetary aspects of herbs, rarely justify a particular herb's
classification. In fact most books have a bland column for each planet
with herbs listed below. I personaly prefer a bit more info.

