Evil eye: Bad luck case
(too old to reply)
2004-08-24 19:32:08 UTC
I never thought I would say that, but I think I have a case of the
evil eye. There is this woman, who came to my house 2 years ago. We
had a beautiful flower blooming in the house then. She couldn't stop
saying how beautiful the plant was. Two days after that, the plant was

I didn't see her for 2 years. I saw her 3 days ago, and she kept
telling me how beautiful I was and how my career was flowerishing.
Since then I've been having the most horrible stretch of luck,
including a car accident and problems with an air flight.

Please don't make fun of me--I feel I am going crazy here. Does anyone
know how I can counteract such an evil eye??
2004-09-06 08:44:31 UTC
I personally don't know if that works:
But there is a product on www.kabbalah.com for the Evil Eye.
Check their store (http://tinyurl.com/4cdjk).

Post by Gianna
I never thought I would say that, but I think I have a case of the
evil eye. There is this woman, who came to my house 2 years ago. We
had a beautiful flower blooming in the house then. She couldn't stop
saying how beautiful the plant was. Two days after that, the plant was
I didn't see her for 2 years. I saw her 3 days ago, and she kept
telling me how beautiful I was and how my career was flowerishing.
Since then I've been having the most horrible stretch of luck,
including a car accident and problems with an air flight.
Please don't make fun of me--I feel I am going crazy here. Does anyone
know how I can counteract such an evil eye??
2009-05-16 15:23:28 UTC
Post by Gianna
I never thought I would say that, but I think I have a case of the
evil eye.
Really does sound like what you're describing matches old accounts of
the evil eye. Some traditional remedies include:
Wearing blue
Wearing evil eye beads (blue glass beads with concentric circles which
resemble an eye)
Carrying an ant-evil-eye charm, like a hamsa, or a silver syrian rue
leaf charm
Carrying a real syrian rue leaf, burning syrian rue seeds, or washing
with an infusion of the herb, Warning: Syrian rue (Peganum harmala)
contains harman, harmaline, and other powerful Monoamine oxidase
inhibitors, so don't wash with it or inhale the smoke if you are on any
anti-depressant medications, or other srugs which react with MAOIs.