human finger bones-applications
(too old to reply)
2005-12-12 07:09:07 UTC
I have yet to add this tool to my root work repetoire, but I am curious
about it's application(s). Cat's catelogue refers to human finger
bones being used for gamblers mojos, but I couldn't find any more
specific data in my copy of "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic". Not yet
anyway. Google searchs that were restricted to hoodoo sites produced
no data thus far, so I was wondering if any usenet participants had and
background information on this. I'm sure that Hyatt's oral histories
would produce some answers, but unfortunately I have not acquired any
of the volumes yet.

Unless the former "owner" is deceased and familiar to the practitioner,
I doubt it could be applied to any type of spirit- conjure work.

Any ideas?

2005-12-12 13:52:39 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I have yet to add this tool to my root work repetoire, but I am curious
about it's application(s). Cat's catelogue refers to human finger
bones being used for gamblers mojos, but I couldn't find any more
specific data in my copy of "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic". Not yet
anyway. Google searchs that were restricted to hoodoo sites produced
no data thus far, so I was wondering if any usenet participants had and
background information on this. I'm sure that Hyatt's oral histories
would produce some answers, but unfortunately I have not acquired any
of the volumes yet.
Unless the former "owner" is deceased and familiar to the practitioner,
I doubt it could be applied to any type of spirit- conjure work.
Any ideas?
If you are a member of the yahoogroup "Hyatt List" then I would
recommend searching there. As far as I know "Dead Man Finger Bones"
are only used for Gambling Spells. If you find any other application
then do share.

2005-12-12 16:46:56 UTC
searched for the Hyatt List on yahoo but could not find it. Do you
have the url?
2005-12-12 16:46:59 UTC
searched for the Hyatt List on yahoo but could not find it. Do you
have the url?
2005-12-12 17:52:44 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
searched for the Hyatt List on yahoo but could not find it. Do you
have the url?

2005-12-15 01:22:52 UTC
located the HyattSpells list and applied 2 days ago- does anybody know
how long the qualification process takes? This is one of Cat's lists
right? Been awhile since I applied for one of these so I'm a little
rusty on the application protocol, but is this a free
teaching/inquisitive type forum or is it actually a paid course?
Raven Nightmyst
2005-12-15 03:24:07 UTC
No, it's not Cat's list. It usually takes only a day, but I know the mod was
going to be off-list for a couple days.

Post by m***@gmail.com
located the HyattSpells list and applied 2 days ago- does anybody know
how long the qualification process takes? This is one of Cat's lists
right? Been awhile since I applied for one of these so I'm a little
rusty on the application protocol, but is this a free
teaching/inquisitive type forum or is it actually a paid course?
catherine yronwode
2005-12-19 01:23:29 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
located the HyattSpells list and applied 2 days ago- does anybody know
how long the qualification process takes? This is one of Cat's lists
right? Been awhile since I applied for one of these so I'm a little
rusty on the application protocol, but is this a free
teaching/inquisitive type forum or is it actually a paid course?
Hi, This is cat -- HyattSpells is not one of my lists (i only have one
list -- the hrcourse list for communicating with my student and
graduates of my rootwork class).

HyattSpells is a free list, and consists primarily of transcriptions
from Hyatt's books, one per day. It is not a social forum nor a place to
post queries about spellcraft (except about Hyatt's collected material).
The orgnator of the HyattSpells list was Landa aka ChicoMex -- and for
the past several years it has been operated by Dara Anslowar, aka
RedwillOw. There may be a short delay in the approval process, as she
was taking a break and announced as much in the list.

cat yronwode

Hoodoo Rootwork Corresondence Course
Joseph LIttleshoes
2005-12-22 08:56:59 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I have yet to add this tool to my root work repetoire, but I am curious
about it's application(s). Cat's catelogue refers to human finger
bones being used for gamblers mojos, but I couldn't find any more
specific data in my copy of "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic". Not yet
anyway. Google searchs that were restricted to hoodoo sites produced
no data thus far, so I was wondering if any usenet participants had and
background information on this. I'm sure that Hyatt's oral histories
would produce some answers, but unfortunately I have not acquired any
of the volumes yet.
Unless the former "owner" is deceased and familiar to the
I doubt it could be applied to any type of spirit- conjure work.
Any ideas?
I dont know if it applies to what you are asking, and i onlyt have
anecdotal information but iirc i was once told about using knuckle bones
for divination.---
