Queson re Honey jar personal effects
(too old to reply)
2005-10-19 07:02:01 UTC
The recipe that I have for Honey jar work strongly specifies hair
strands. I have been presented with the task helping someone prepare
one of these, and the personal effects provided were blood, toenail
clipping, cigarette filter in addition to three items touched by the
target. Can their counterparts be intertwined or crossed with the
petitioners to the desired effect? Is their anything in Hoodoo
literature that supports a different type of DNA sample or personal
catherine yronwode
2005-10-20 14:59:34 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
The recipe that I have for Honey jar work strongly specifies hair
strands. I have been presented with the task helping someone prepare
one of these, and the personal effects provided were blood, toenail
clipping, cigarette filter in addition to three items touched by the
target. Can their counterparts be intertwined or crossed with the
petitioners to the desired effect? Is their anything in Hoodoo
literature that supports a different type of DNA sample or personal
You could use anything persoal -- semen, menstrual blood,
fingernail clippings....

Also, per your other query about Orris Root -- we sell small
whole roots for $2.00 and large ones for $4.00 at
www.luckymojo.com.inventiry --- and, as others told you, the
Indio "adam and Eve Roots" are a total scam, for no good
reasons, because, just because. The real roots come from an
orchid that is an endangered species in much of the USA.

cat yronwode
catherine yronwode
2005-10-20 15:01:13 UTC
Post by catherine yronwode
Post by m***@gmail.com
The recipe that I have for Honey jar work strongly specifies hair
strands. I have been presented with the task helping someone prepare
one of these, and the personal effects provided were blood, toenail
clipping, cigarette filter in addition to three items touched by the
target. Can their counterparts be intertwined or crossed with the
petitioners to the desired effect? Is their anything in Hoodoo
literature that supports a different type of DNA sample or personal
You could use anything persoal -- semen, menstrual blood,
fingernail clippings....
Also, per your other query about Orris Root -- we sell small
whole roots for $2.00 and large ones for $4.00 at
that would actually be

Too early in the morning for me to read the monitor screen.

cat yronwode
2005-10-20 15:48:18 UTC
Hi Cat!

Its Deborah, back in Denver again.

The aforementioned petitioner was on a deadline due to planetary
aspects, otherwise I would have ordered all of this stuff from your
shop. In retrospect I did a search on the Adam and Eve Root on your
luckymojo page, only to discover that you had experienced the same
thing. Since I'm just a lowly client and not a mass distributer, I
felt I could "name names" in my post. So that other speciman is a
boiled soybean? Unbelievable!

BTW: how is Hurley in NOLA? If he still lives in the FQ, he is
probably alright since it managed to stay afloat during the ordeal of
the last two months. Hope so...

catherine yronwode
2005-10-21 11:30:42 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Hi Cat!
Its Deborah, back in Denver again.
Hi, Deb!
Post by m***@gmail.com
The aforementioned petitioner was on a deadline due to planetary
aspects, otherwise I would have ordered all of this stuff from your
shop. In retrospect I did a search on the Adam and Eve Root on your
luckymojo page, only to discover that you had experienced the same
thing. Since I'm just a lowly client and not a mass distributer, I
felt I could "name names" in my post. So that other speciman is a
boiled soybean? Unbelievable!
BTW: how is Hurkey in NOLA? If he still lives in the FQ, he is
probably alright since it managed to stay afloat during the ordeal of
the last two months. Hope so...
I have not heard from Hurkey since the flood. He was living
in a second floor apt. on Bourbon Street and probably
weathered the storm okay -- at least i hope so.

cat yronwode

Herb and Root Magic --- http://www.luckymojo.com/hoodooherbmagic.html
2005-10-24 21:12:12 UTC
Post by catherine yronwode
Post by m***@gmail.com
Hi Cat!
Its Deborah, back in Denver again.
Hi, Deb!
Post by m***@gmail.com
The aforementioned petitioner was on a deadline due to planetary
aspects, otherwise I would have ordered all of this stuff from your
shop. In retrospect I did a search on the Adam and Eve Root on your
luckymojo page, only to discover that you had experienced the same
thing. Since I'm just a lowly client and not a mass distributer, I
felt I could "name names" in my post. So that other speciman is a
boiled soybean? Unbelievable!
BTW: how is Hurkey in NOLA? If he still lives in the FQ, he is
probably alright since it managed to stay afloat during the ordeal of
the last two months. Hope so...
I have not heard from Hurkey since the flood. He was living
in a second floor apt. on Bourbon Street and probably
weathered the storm okay -- at least i hope so.
cat yronwode
From what I know of N.O., the French Quarter was more than ok. The
majority of the flooding was in the Lower Ninth Ward.
There was more wind damage than anything in the Quarter.
They even held the Decadence Fest on time:)
If your friend stayed, he should be ok.
You can check outt eh archives at www.wwltv.com
It is the local news site, and it has stories as well as picsd showing
how well the Quarter weathered the storm.
Yes, I am from N.O.
Post by catherine yronwode
Herb and Root Magic --- http://www.luckymojo.com/hoodooherbmagic.html
the land surfer
2005-11-20 14:10:05 UTC
Post by catherine yronwode
Post by m***@gmail.com
Hi Cat!
Its Deborah, back in Denver again.
Hi, Deb!
Post by m***@gmail.com
The aforementioned petitioner was on a deadline due to planetary
aspects, otherwise I would have ordered all of this stuff from your
shop. In retrospect I did a search on the Adam and Eve Root on your
luckymojo page, only to discover that you had experienced the same
thing. Since I'm just a lowly client and not a mass distributer, I
felt I could "name names" in my post. So that other speciman is a
boiled soybean? Unbelievable!
BTW: how is Hurkey in NOLA? If he still lives in the FQ, he is
probably alright since it managed to stay afloat during the ordeal of
the last two months. Hope so...
I have not heard from Hurkey since the flood. He was living
in a second floor apt. on Bourbon Street and probably
weathered the storm okay -- at least i hope so.
cat yronwode
Herb and Root Magic ---
ah yeah gday 3

where are th fuckin words?


you can be sit down now


hey paulie
bush is touting
religious freedom in china

"i thought it was their policy to encourage it anywhere"


it's all good


kuta's a cool religion


will th
international court
have a bite at

it's death penalty

and how does that effect

aboriginal traditional law

we still have th death penalty


"licensed to kill"
stop it


"i'm a black cop"


go boldly paulie


kanye west

we've had a good week

we won th soccer game

get to go to th world cup

won th rugby

libby put in another world record

in th pool

and our
ecstacy poppin model

got deported from indonesia yesterday


"oh um"
"they had another quake"

didnt do any damage did it ?
"no just soiled some clothes"




december 2

they have down to hang him paulie


"it's an awful large amount of street doses of heroin"

he's young and silly

pj harvey
'working for the man'



he gave th man

some info

about further up th chain

coughed up his guts


if ya did let him go

th underworld would

fill th contract anyway

"think his mum wants him"

"safe behind bars"


"is there such a thing ?"


dont think they;d
just stretch his neck

probly chop some toes off
and assorted body parts and feed em to im




"i'm not fond of smack"

this isnt about your views

this is about australian's views


"i said"

"it's dangerous to yur health"
"to kill any australian"

"very rare"
"aboriginal law steps in"

"christopher skase was an exception"

he wouldnt come back to home country and face justice

the geraldine fibbers
'dragon lady'

whole country was convinced
he feigning his illness

seemed remarkably healthy
when th tv crews found im


i pointed th bone at im
he died of his illness
seven days later

<<<smiel >>>


th boys i was singin with last night
didnt know

who'd won th rugby
i kept my mouth shut


no that i knew
you know

but singin with some big
maori boys

and very other kiwi who passes
drops money in

on th basis


the kadaictha man of australia

says little

in th street


ask mika where comes from
and he answers

my kind of australian


if home is
across th water

then fuck off

pj harvey
'i think i'm a mother'

was morticia's excuse paulie
got half australian kids




ya ever gunna become a naturalized australian ?

then why are ya here ?


i love my

new zealand neighbours

just dont agree with everything they say


worked with enough maoris

i know

th first greeting is always aggressive

doesnt mean anything

is just talk


our new found mouthy friend

on th bus seat jess

not been here long has he ?

'jealous kids'

ok morticia
my maori princess

head witch of the gold coast and
really magic woman

if yur all over here
to make money

how many intend goin home later ?
i never meet them


and not like

ya funnel money back

like th islanders do


benny is off to NZ
for xmas

"i heard"


we dont want him
goin to live in NZ permanent
too smart

we educated him


i love australian schools

th kids have a different agenda

to th teachers


i dont say much
when i'm singing int h street

being a background singer

i spend most of my time


"even if i am"


preset studio keepers
'solsbury hill'(DUR)

it's not very nice
i know

not to introduce myself properly
to my audience

sittin at th bus stop seat


i'm th wizard
and i'm black

and th cops dont
tell me what to do

ride my unicycle
wrong way up th road

tellin off th cabbies

slow down comin out of th tunnel

i got ppl on th street

a huge night

i got no lights on th unicycle and yes bitch

i am prepared to tell you to get fucked

no car has taken me out yet
go and complain

they wont do anything


"<<<smiel >>>"


yes it is my unicycle

sittin right behind me

cause some fuckwiot
tried to take off with it

last week whiel was singin

usin it as a backrest

and sittin on th towel

in a yoga position

will smith

why should i do you a trick dude ?

unicycle slides not good enough for you ?

you missed em ?


i dont do it for money


sorry i didnt introduce myself

i'm th lethal kadaitcha man of australia

pleased to meet you


i was singin with rock spider

another part black

and this guy said

you guys gunna be here later ?

rock spider said yes

me ?

i'm everywhere

'all the things you said'

i dont comment


and i dont read it
i follow popular opinion


watch every tv station
read th paper and

watch world news



iq 80

tells me what to do
or votes

for me


my job description is

my description


if i'm in a good mood

i'm the wizard of aus

ya dig ?

i'm half white


when we did
black magic woman

mika's new version
i went up to

jewel's vocal range

'deeper water'

i dunno mouthy boy

if my singin was
costin em money

you think they'd buy me

and paulie
can ya pls sit in my chair

while i go buy em
and hand me th drum

give us those
live heartbeats paulie

<<< smiel >>>


i'm not a maori
or a kiwi

watch yur fuckin mouth


backpedalled a bit didnt ya

when jewel started singin

to mika's guitar

mika ya fuckhead

it's pitched too high

six chicks just did

a double take

and took up positions

within fourty feet

ok smart arse

you know so much about what we're doing

how many of those chicks

came back and threw in th hat

david byrne
'like humans do'(radio edit)

there's always at least one fuckwit
who wanders up and

makes a comment
while yur singin in th street

i wouldnt sing nice for you
in a pink fit

and you know so much
better than we do

not liek we dont pull
fifty dollar notes when

th younger crowd isnt in town


th buskers dont money from th party crowd
ya get more abuse

ya have more fun
but ya dont make more money

from th bigger crowd


we knew you were comin
it's traditional

whether you know it or not
they dont want toolies in

surfers paradise
during schoolies

and lock up everything
that moves

we all come to play last night
but umm

not real serious

kevin bloody wilson
'stack the fridge'

do you know
what th buskers talk about

when you
th fuckhead with th big mouth

wanders on


i was on rock spiders drum
and this chick jsut

i aint got any money for you so

she stuck her pussy in my face

like this close

dirty dancing


out there

rock spider blown away

you never seen it that blatant man ?

didnt say that though

kept quiet and

man that is amazing

city high
'three way'

got on this thing with

i was just vocals

theo bringin in
some bongos for me

to cart
mine are fucked

so i can riffle behind
matt nd theo nd

anyoen else a drum shy

rock spider only brought oen last night

lost half our repertoire

mat and i


he into that wind instrument and

and we got
recorded beats


backing track

i've gone left field

singin up with th flute

and jammin

acapella beats into

th beats

while six chicks
squidge in front of the kombi

that was fun
gotta roll

blood sweat and tears
'spinning wheel'

eunice the unique unicycle
i'm payin bad today dear

th heat rash from so many
insane kilometres on th wheel

me and th nephew
wamr today

we goin swimmin at redcliffe lagoon ?

"i had an awesome ride last night"
"got in at dawn"

"little brother got up"

"oh hi"

"i'll get ya to do th lawn tomorrow"

"ya have a good time ?"

"told some tales and"

"i got a six inch slide"

"on concrete and"

"rode off it"

"fuck man"

"got a huge grin and"

"they rebuildin th landie today anyway"

'if only'

you sayin it
still wont be goin ?


"yur usin th wrong fuel it;s a diesel"
i dont get that

"gotta pour it over th bonnet and light it"
oh ok


robbie bopped thru

to commentate


to keep th big fella company

layin under th truck

talkin muscle cars

we pushed th xbou into th street
nephew drove it out

he cryin
she goin on a tilt tray tomorrow or

day after

xd comin tonight

tenacious d
'freindship test'

its an ex cop car

let em use it for

demolition derby

attitude boy

my xf

falcon is

on th grass

watin for th xd to come in

he's late


mat picked it

i drive a falcon


he drivin

same model kombi

we toured europe in

shakespears sister
'i dont care'

i do


i got fair into this guy
one night

are you jokin man

he's a muso

forget th backing track

he's alone

look what he's playing

better still





all th guitarists are

cartin pig amps with batteries

to amplify their sound


i need a microphone to go there mika

to go that high

i have to drop



jess can hear it

you can just hear it

and th bus stop can hear it

but five minutes ago

ppl fifty feet that way could here it


we dropped it but
played with it for a while first

we all got quiet
<<<smiel >>>


if i pull th trumpet sound first

easier after playin with rock spider and his trumpet

and slide into th note

it's there


hey jarrod
you doen for th night ?

city high
'city high anthem'

thinkin about it
yur gig

does make more sense in th valley


i was watchin some of yr audience
when i brought back those hot chocolates for us

buskers gettin thin
in brisbane city


<<< Smiel >>>


i do th city for

a couple of hours
and just ride

then go down
the fortitude valley

to ride and
drum and



havin an argument with th council


not unusual

was th gold coast council

before th shitty council


my religion fuckwit

you deaf ?


i'm an aboriginal elder
accepted by my ppl

in th street
and a magic man

machine gun fellatio
'take it slow'

we're patient


sang for a bit with brother julian

he had centre mall

first in

best dressed

led zeppelin and metallica

and a few others


said hi to bradley
didnt stop on th couch

i'm sorry
you were eggin me on

and yur mate missin
they go apeshit

up on th balcony

when i criss cross th center divide

go wherever i fuckin pls


they've stopped
tryin to tell me not

to do what i do


bout as bad it gets is

a whispersed shot at me

for not wearin a shirt
and singin liek a girl

should cover my boobs

i've got a beard


i cant help it i'm a chameleon

'everybody needs somebody sometime'

got new batteries yesterday
as i said

my normal brand
out of stcok

cheapies for th little radio

new ones are

two dollar packs of

Four AAA


Super Heavy Duty


i liek it


scuse i



is about th smartest guy i've met

sat there at th table
not knowin he knew me at th time

and commented
this man

open as he is
doesnt reveal himself



at that party

i could nt catch a ball or


in th backyard cricket

and th next oen

two weeks later

i was th opening bowler

bowling leg spinners

and others

and they had difficulty getting me out

while i was batting

robin trower

jenny came to th first party
yackin to th girls
fuck off

"paulei came to th second party"
"yackin to anything that'll listen"
"fuck off"

'i want to ride my bicycle'

was a funny way to introduce me robbie

he wasnt overly impressed

so umm

in th car on th way home

did ya tell him why you call me

to my face


it's just godhead
get over it

robbie sung out

th net still connected ?

yeh man

so far

fucked if i know why

<<<smiel >>>

love ya dude


he rides th unicycle
doesnt have enough

wizard of the fortitude valley



or get official

'lake of fire'

god and th devil are
minor unbalanced deities


and white man's invention
we got a lot older culture



on sbs telly

they diggin up bones


so umm

have ya dug up our boats yet

from th inland sea

of gondwanaland




you got some things to find out yet

'dont say you love me'

ok mika
my style is

a little liek yours

i like th slap board just

not prepared to

beat your beautiful instrument

they always handin me guitars

when we move things around

i hold em like they;re


they sing with me


i wish she'd stop crying

i close my eyes to listen to th guitar

and get a harmonic that


open em up
to watch th smile in mika's eyes



comes in and

i retreat again

to find somethin

either mdidle or

one way or th other

so many sounds

butthole surfers

and this girl is

her boyfriend in th can
not only broadcasting

i can hear er

over both amplified guitars

th drum in my hand

and my own

singin voice

just gone lead

i can hear th


in my


as it searches for a harmonic

to accomodate your noise

a while later

they let im out

and she happy as a pig in shit


ah you know me

i sang for another fitteen mintues
till it a bit too much and

went and sang with matt for a while


had three girls
cryin in th mall

in th five sessions we did


one girl

she got within

fifteen feet of us playin

just cryin softly

as she walked by

and th music


you know how it all

stops at once

mike oldfield
'tubular bells pt 2'

mika doin this new piece

got all these

silent gaps

they want th heartbeat drum

in th action

here paulei
get on it

are ya ready ?

we never over ran

one of th silenbces

all three




stopped as one

think we did three versions

durin th course

ok telly

first was th best
and th freshest

my opinion anyway

th last one but

clip th mistakes and

th happy mistakes were




hey god
how ya goin ?

"cool as"
"how about you ?"



i think gravity is

th attractant electrical forces

and nothing more


works instananeously


watch out for th electron bomb

it's th next quantam leap


th universe is
strange indeed

th smaller you break things

th more power
is unleashed

and it goes down forever


god does not play with dice

with th universe


yes god does


everything is about



the true randomness
of an infinite universe
equals god

it aint a being


there is more power
in a single atom

than humanity can use
throughout all our history

and our future


the theory of everything


in an infinite universe
all it's component parts

must be
infinitely small




everything equals nothing


nothing equals everything

th smaller we crack th components

th more power we



being infinitely small

is no more mind boggling

than being infinitely large


ya have sub atomic particles

once upon a time

the atom was th smallest

thing anywhere


funny th things we believe


they call me talker to things

i dont like it

when i talk to something
and it doesnt talk back

i looked inside and saw



i said it was a dot

but it's a hollow dot
got as many shells as

you wanna look for

what magic will we find

in th next level ?

goin deeper
inside reality


th atom brought us

peaceful and other


huge power from

such a tiny thing


dramatic impact

a logo on th tv

my television suggests to me

thank you god

1200 techniques

windows media player
is pickin th msuic

important to me
i know th truth


i write enough of it

before it happens


so if i

point th bone of death at dr death and

my religion is kuta

and twelve days later

th cops blow away

dr azahari

bomb maker of kuta beach

i rejoice


maybe i'm just psychic


and know how th world

put together


wotever is
the secret of th universe

it's gotta be


and every being that

finally gets it goes

ah fuck

i coulda said that


remember i got

unlimited ammunition

lethal kadaitcha man

robbie williams and nicole kidman
'somethin stupid'

look nickie




says i'm th wizard of aus and i should

extend my hand and



"can i just say ?"
over my dead body


"beehave yurself jennifer"


bein polite

he should know

dusty springfield
'goin back'

"it reads weird jenny"

the days when i was young enough to know th truth - lyric

"ok i'll shutup now"


yur such a child paulie

"we're a neotenous species"

"give us a break"
"we're still on one planet"

will you take th other species ?

"to th stars ? "



"we've had this conversation"

"we understand symbiosis"

'track 3'
smashing pumpkins

we had kuta bee nests in th



surrounded by th swarm
of native stingless bees

six acres of bananas
surrounding th house

in th volcano of



i feed th wild pigs
in th pens

th cows




mice and other life

living on our farm


why ya wanna kill my rats ?

they harm you ?

they love th session room
and when they get really stoned

they fall off th rafters and

land in th beanbag and

relax for a bit

till they come to and

ah fuck

i'm with th humans

and walks out of th room

too stoend to run

basement jaxx
'where's your head at'

take two

sorry i slipped away

i didn t believe

you had gone to bed

your bed
your telly

same rules we grew up with

dont get caught


it was a basement

in th laundry

i dunno

just wanted my lounge room in th laundry

th truly weird thing is

i didnt smoek pot at th time

only my friends did

and i'd sit near th door


laughin at everythin


hey dallas

ya should meet my current lesbian friend

ah wait
she's fuckin a guy

when she comes to her senses

"alright jennifer"

it's all balance

"you talk more than me"



the offspring
'walla walla'

it's gotta be
really fuckin simple

to confuse
so many ppl


world of opposites

harry potter's not real

and got no real magic

not even a potter

i am real

a wizard

make pottery whistles like

th one hangin around my neck
ocarinas and

i dont have any money

if i dont get that sub
i dont smoke ciggies tomorrow

i draw th line somewhere

icehouse (with chrissie amphlett)
'love in motion'

"give it up jenny"
"ya fucked th voice last night"

"i be talkin funny for days"

said i was replete just

i wanna fly


gotta move th xf

th real world

never entirely goes away


suck down a cone whiel i'm gone

a bong dickhead

[shakes head and fucks off]


it's a crazy world of opposites we live in
i'm just an idiot on a unicycle

just ask some fuckhead
in th street

hang on
dont ask

he'll say it anyway


the theory of everything


first principal of

engineering is


K eep

I t

S imple

S tupid


is about balance

if this physical reality

has infinity

on that side of th line

has to be balanced by


this side of th line

'hooker with a penis'

do ya listen to th lyrics ?
<<<smiel >>>

we play games in th street with
do ya listen to th lyrics ?


i do things my way

the wrong way
ya dont find

th keys to th universe
by following fucking rules


i am the lethal kadaitcha man

called the land surfer


as always

the kadaitcha man of australia

and i am

licensed to kill

pj harvey
'down by the water'

karma says ya gotta deserve it

it's gotta pass

god's inspection


ya cant beat karma

it is god


five years
as an unpaid

street entertainer
karma and i are

very good friends


ya have to know how th world works
and be bold

and not afraid to experiment
i surf on my unicycle in th surf

but i can do most things

<<<smiel >>>

'speed of sound'

how do we break th speed of light ?

gravity has already done that


we love to name things
we dont understand

give it a label and
move on


like th bear in th himalayas

th english

thought there were three species

th germans found

there was only one


after th earthquake in aceh

th indonesians and th

aceh ppl

came to some agreement

now they touting that

india and pakistan
have actually opened th inner border of

another country


my nepalese friend

you were very cut at me

kashmir will rise


from th rubble

which is to your good

neil young
'the needle and the damage done'

now will ya shut th fuck up robbie plant ?


i stuffed
stairway to heaven over
hotel california

why dont ya go listen to th original

poor bastards ya

killem with yur

pls play it again

pls play it again

kristin hersh and michael stipe
'your ghost'

ya give them a hard enough time
replicate what ya did

oen afternoon

fucked out of yur mind and

man th top shelf pussy

fuck i was never so inspired

wot i call verve


we never play th same song twice and
thats; th way it;s been for

thousands of years of human history
before some bugger decided to record it

and sell it


and th fuckin copppers

pour out our drink

in the fortitude valley

while a man is singin to his ppl

cause it got alcohol in it


thousands of years

th walking crowd would

throw th minstrel a drink

one guy last night

pink floyd

'pigs on the wing'(pt 1)

are we over regulated

or what ?


street's full of drunks

we're keepin em peaceful

stayed away from our wilder stuff and

playin elevator music
with edge

to keeep th oversize crowd



ya dumb pig cunts


"they study mob psychology jennifer"
so do we


we kept th tone

mellow and i

avoided th lower register

sang liek a chick most of th night

watch that ya
dont judge me by that

sweet black honey drippin singin voice
under th

mass of ringlets and curls

every muscle defined and


i've had

four hours

ridin th 24 inch unicycle



i am everywhere

and singin on most of th street corners

i'm there

even when i'm not there


and sittin in th car havin a joint
and another bourbon


ninety five percent plus

i'm back in th car
i fit's gunna rain

unless i'm lookin forward to it

ride down th centre of

th widest city street

bout midnight

arms held out

looking up

flying between th buildings

th legs just

goin roudn by themselves

on atuomatic

knwo they;re down there somewhere

stopped thinkin about it

a long time ago

intrigued by

flying thru th buildings

[police siren]

ah yeah gday

yeah man

my helmet ?

i 'll get a light

seem to have forgotten it

"i dont need it"

"comfortable ridin with my eyes closed"

<<<smile >>>


we havent done th back street for a while

"so down th centre of th road"
"Whiel we were runnin th light last night"
"Wasnt hard enough for you jennifer ?"

i was thinkin of

gettin pulled


from th cars

and especially that truck

"you have to turn sight off to feel it"

'karma police'

ok this is th karma cops

this kadaitcha man wants

dr death rubbed

dont give me th details

just do it

wot's this twelve days shit ?

my contracts go out
in seven days

i'm readin

dr azahari's death notic ein th papr

twelve days later

i'm not fucking impressed

how are my clients going to feel ?

when ya mess it up - lyric

dont give me this shit i

mentioned there were

two dr deaths

immediately after i

pointed th boen of death

and started singin

its not fuckin good enough

next cunt i want whacked

do im

on th fuckin day

none of this i was confused shit

oif you were that fuckin confused

why didnt ya whack

dr death from th bundaberg



nicole kidman

'come what may'


i'm not impressed
i dig

our religion is kuta
and this dr death

way sweeter a kill
we're jack of these fuckin killer doctors

in th system


it was a damning report


i landed in th bundaberg hospital with multiple

wasp stings


they did me a favour though

i'm not allergic to bees anymore

not as bad anyway


our bees dont have stings

do re mi
'warnings moving clockwise'

if th heart of everything is


wot is reality ?

wot is a solipsist bible ?


not every word
in a solipsist bible

is true
it mirrors th world


but to see truth
to see forward and gain

truth from th future

you have to give

truth in th present

and be truthful about your past

only by sharing

will humanity



if a hostile alien
was comin at th earth

'something in the way'

the religion of kuta broadcasts

to th known and unknown universe

i got bigger concerns than you puppies


we're armed
and we're dangerous
and this is how we conduct our affairs

we may be
petri dish scum
but we wont stay that way

if you get this signal
somewhere out there
in th void

then you've received my other signals
we will not tolerate interference
from outside

in our affairs

arlo guthrie
'now and then'

hello again - lyric

first words in song


comin after you alcor

i know yr there


i know yur gunna be a fuckin problem


i am not coppin a fine

ya can get fucked

we break

the rules of th universe

i dont obey yours

dire straights
'money for nothing'

besides which

th last cop psychologist

to have a wee chat

was not convinced you could

incarcerate me

my savages testicles

beyond medical comprehension

a get out of jail free card

i get blue balls

"aching testicles"
"make sense for a wizard to have a curse"

every day

worse if i talk to you
if yr a girl

but i'm not a savage

so i

ride my unicycle for a coupel of hours and

all comfortably numb

and kinda heat rashed

that and a coupel of cones of marijuana

and i sit int h street

and happily

make music to pretty girls

what did you see

last night

in th fortitude valley mall

riding a unicycle and singing

clad only in a pair of jeans

<<<smile >>>

dont judge a book by it's cover

it might be infinite...







shut ya stupid fuckin thing

'talk to it nice"
"it's magic"

close says a me



was off

i got my sub

i can smoke tomorrow


whiel i was doin that

thought i'd eyeball alcor

she's in th sky

where i call

the three sisters

sure enough

i turn straight to er in th sky

wherever she is

and a meteor goes past

ten seconds into my eyeballs can

figure i;ve got

one evil eye


one good eye

i'm a black tracker

a shooting star

goes hurtling past th three sisters

a sign




my crystal blue

tell me to
be wary of you

i trust them


kuta lady is home again
next door

screaming goin on
shutup chrissie


we affect her bad paulie
"i know"


you named me

kuta man before the kuta beach bombings

i'm psychic

but i dont see everything

one of it's drawbacks

and it's saviours

none of us really saw

what calling me that name would


pj harvey
'working for the man'

if i chop off th nuts
and become jennifer

liek th good doctor in
bundaberg suggested

i'll lose my

i cant expect
that th female of our species

will look after me
i better find other ways

bein honest with them
was a complete waste of time


last resort is of course
electro ejaculation

my blue balls can kill me
have done several times

pain shock

who gives a fuck

i got a unicycle

and marijuana

and half a brain

"i got th other half"

we'll make it

i ejaculate
therefore i am


the land surfer

led zeppelin
'the rain song'
