Jesus, Myth of history or Son of God ?
(too old to reply)
2006-05-29 20:51:05 UTC
My name is Lorenzo Crescini. I am a Captain of the merchant Navy now
on retirement.
When I was a secular missionary in an African leprosary, I wrote some
Flashes on the Holy Gospels which helped a lot of people by giving
them new trust and hope. You will find them in web site

E mail:

Here are the first three Flashes as an example
1. There is the historical proof the myth could not invent the Cross .
If the Cross roused a "social orror" by the heathens ,it caused a
shocking religious dismay by the Jews. It is not a case that the first
christians in order to avoid that the preaching might be
jeopardised.,represented the Cross by an anchor ,a plough, a mast, a
man praying with open arms.How can we think that this way of dying was
put in the myth by the christians themselves ?

2. Should somebody tell us of having seen a dead person on the cross
resuscitated, nobody would believe him. But if the same person stating
that could also make miracles, then we would believe him. That happened
to the Apostles who got the power of making miracles in order to be
believed. Without that power, Christianity couldn't have been born.

3. Jesus says on the Cross: "My God ,My God ,why did You abandon me ?
Such words might even shock the reader. Why should they have been
written if they weren't true,then ?
Joseph Littleshoes
2006-06-08 19:42:46 UTC
Post by r***@lorenzocrescini.it
My name is Lorenzo Crescini. I am a Captain of the merchant Navy now
on retirement.
When I was a secular missionary in an African leprosary, I wrote some
Flashes on the Holy Gospels which helped a lot of people by giving
them new trust and hope. You will find them in web site
Here are the first three Flashes as an example
1. There is the historical proof the myth could not invent the Cross .
If the Cross roused a "social orror" by the heathens ,it caused a
shocking religious dismay by the Jews. It is not a case that the first
christians in order to avoid that the preaching might be
jeopardised.,represented the Cross by an anchor ,a plough, a mast, a
man praying with open arms.How can we think that this way of dying was
put in the myth by the christians themselves ?
It was a common form of execution in Roman times.
Post by r***@lorenzocrescini.it
2. Should somebody tell us of having seen a dead person on the cross
resuscitated, nobody would believe him. But if the same person stating
that could also make miracles, then we would believe him.
SUre the universe was created in 6 days, Jonah lived in a whale, and all
the other claims that the bible makes are equally anecdotal.

That happened
Post by r***@lorenzocrescini.it
to the Apostles who got the power of making miracles in order to be
believed. Without that power, Christianity couldn't have been born.
So what about all the other world religious that did not have 'miracle
workers' as their foundation?
Post by r***@lorenzocrescini.it
3. Jesus says on the Cross: "My God ,My God ,why did You abandon me ?
Such words might even shock the reader. Why should they have been
written if they weren't true,then ?
Sometimes the apparent ignorance of christians (or most all
fundamentalists true believers) is astounding. When one is inventing a
religion or anything else logic don't matter.

Even assuming jesus existed and was a political more than a religious
figure it is not to difficult to imagine a man with a mission thinking
he had been abandoned by his god.

Get real, the perfectly good points of christianity are often drowned in
a sea of fable and myth that obscures and dilutes that which is worth
preserving in the christian mythos.
